Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. How many sessions will I need?

A. Each person/couple has his or her own individual needs, at the initial assessment we would talk about what your own feelings are on this. At the end of that initial session that may or may not have changed. The thing to remember is that time-wise nothing is set in stone. We regularly review and talk about where we are in the therapy, ultimtately it is client-led. One thing I usually say to clients who ask this, and it seems to always bear out, is that when we're coming to the end, we'll both know at the same time.

Q. What are your qualifications and experience?

A. I hold an Advanced Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy and post grad I hold an MSc in Psycotherapy Studies from Sheffield University with my area of research being effacacious methods of therapy for traumatised or anxious children. I am currently undertaking doctoral research in best and efficacious therapeutic practices for gender dysphoric children, work I am very excited about.

Further qualifications in Child Psychotherapy & Play Therapy, Bereavement Counselling, Trauma Recovery and Domestic Violence amongst others. I am currently studying Nature Therapy and EMDR, I'm very happy to discuss and give information on all and any aspect of my training.

In the U.K I worked for a large Hospice as a bereavement counsellor, and also as a counsellor for an organisation who worked with people dealing with the affects of HIV/HIV diagnosis. Here in Ireland, as well as private practice, I work in Dublin for the Traveller Counselling Service, for the GMHS-Gay Men's Health Service - HSE,  for a Family Resource Centre in West Tallaght, seeing both couples and individuals, and also for an addiction centre in Ballyfermot. 

I am a fully accredited member of IACP and an associate member of Play Therapy Ireland.  I also work on behalf of Towards Healing as a group facilitator in trauma recovery groups. I take my work with my clients and my professional ethics very seriously. I extend a great deal of care and professionalism to everyone I work with. I have great passion for what I do. More on the 'About Me & My Work' page re current training and areas of interest.

Q.  How confidential is it?

A.  Everything in the sessions remains confidential between client and counsellor.  An exception to this is the counsellors supervisor, this is something every counsellor has in accordance with the professions ethics. However, no real names are used and the clients identity is protected. This is also the case with client notes (so no names, addresses, dates of birth etc) which are coded and kept in a locked filing cabinet. Another exception comes under the Children's First Guidelines, and this states that if someone were to disclose that a child was coming to harm we would need to make the relevant services aware of this, this is not only a legal duty but a moral and ethical one also.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.."
Mark Twain